

Did you know your brain is fundamental to all your footballing activities? Find out more in this pull-out from a 2022 edition of She Kicks magazine.

The brain:

  • controls your muscles
  • helps you learn new skills
  • predicts where the ball will go
  • motivates you
  • drives the emotions you experience

Did you know your brain has its own internal clock called the 'circadian rhythm'? Find out more in this pull-out from a 2023 edition of She Kicks magazine.

Find out about:

  • the brain and jetlag
  • your 24hr body clock
  • why sleep matters
  • and take a quiz about which footballer your sleep pattern is most like

Did you know your brain is important for injury prevention and recovery? Find out more in this pull-out from a 2024 edition of She Kicks magazine.

Find out about:

  • why warming up matters
  • head injuries in sport
  • concussion research and recovery
  • injuries and mental health
Two men in red and white football kit, one faces the camera and grins pointing to his head.

Media coverage:

Football with white and red pattern and "Football on the Brain" logo sitting on green grass pitch

Project newsletters: